Doctoral school information
The Doctoral School will follow the Conference and offer a unique opportunity to students and young researchers to learn the latest advances in metamaterial research and to meet the leading experts in this rapidly developing field. For further information regarding the school please visit the EUPROMETA programme website.
The topic of the school will be "Reconfigurable and tunable metamaterials".
A course of the European School on Metamaterials operated by the Metamorphose Virtual Institute will be held on September 21-22 in conjunction with the Metamaterials'2012 Congress.
The course will present a unique opportunity for students and young researchers to get exposure to the latest advancements in the field of metamaterials and to meet the leading experts in this explosively developing field. The lectures will be delivered by key speakers of the Congress.
The school course will be mainly focused on the key aspects of metamaterials and related concepts that make them important for the device engineering in the different areas. Comprehensive lectures will take into account the widespread backgrounds of the audience.
The Doctoral school attendees are invited to prepare a presentation for a poster session (see the poster format here), which will be organized during the school days.
Program of the school:
Friday, September 21th 2012
8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and outline of the school (Irina Vendik, Professor, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", Russia)
9:15 – 10:45 Graphene and extreme metamaterials (Nader Engheta, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
Note the change, please:
11:15 – 12.45 Reconfigurable Semiconducting Hybrid Metamaterials (David Smith, Professor, Duke University, USA)
11:15 – 12:45 High-impedance surfaces: modeling, tuning, applications (Konstantin Simovski, Professor, Aalto University, Finland)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00 Metamaterial tunability via liquid crystals with respect to ferroelectric and semiconductor technologies (Didier Lippens, Professor, University of Lille, France)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 Metamaterial antennas for embedded aeronautic systems (Habiba Ouslimani, Professor, University Paris West Nanterre La Defense, France)
18:00-20:00 Self study
Saturday, September 22th 2012
9:00 – 10:00 Superconducting metamaterial and plasmonics (Vassili Fedotov, Dr., University of Southampton, UK)
10:00 – 11:00 Tunable magnonic crystals and artificial multiferroics: linear and nonlinear microwave properties (Boris Kalinikos, Professor, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 Tunable and reconfigurable THz metamaterials (Irina Vendik, Professor, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia)
12:30 – 13:30 Round table and closing ceremony
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:30 – 20:00 Social Event and Dinner.
To register to this school please follow this link at this website.